Bridge over calm water

  You open a gate and walk up, and see the water below. ….. You are high up now, the trees blow in the wind. ….. You walk onwards now, to see what is beyond.   All photos taken on my Olympus Pen E-PL8. Filters include Gentle Sepia, Dramatic Tone 1 and Pop Art 1.Continue reading “Bridge over calm water”

One sunny evening in town

The photo above is of All Souls College, right next to one of my favourite buildings in Oxford: The Radcliffe Camera. This blog is not going to be about the colleges in Oxford. However, it will include photos of the sun shining onto buildings around the city. 20/08/20 It was a lovely evening, with theContinue reading “One sunny evening in town”

River antics

We leave the house in Wye and get to our spot along the river roughly 30 minutes later. The walk was pleasant but made worse by my choice to wear flip flops. Luckily, when we got to the river, no one else was about so we set up our things by the green bridge. ToContinue reading “River antics”

2020: A new year

You might say that it will be your year (like Liverpool do every year, although that may be the case this time) or you may still be trying to sort out your life. Whatever the situation is, take 2020 in your stride and go head on into what comes your way. A new year. DefinitelyContinue reading “2020: A new year”

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