What happens on the Beach


Water rolls and crashes on the sand,
the clear mass of blue is also calm,
crabs scuttle under rocks to avoid our feet,
all this at Robin Hood’s Bay, what wonder.


Friends and families adorn the beach,
children play card games and chat,
small dogs yap at the larger ones,
all this at Robin Hood’s Bay, what amusement.


Football shirts are seen all around,
some are eating ice cream in mid day heat,
people sun bathe in this amazing English weather,
all this at Robin Hood’s Bay, what pleasure.


The sea glistens in the bright sunshine,
some people prefer the shade of a tree,
tattoos cover many a sunburnt body,
all this at Robin Hood’s Bay, what joy.



Published by rowanellett15

I have a degree in Journalism from Falmouth University. I love to write my own poetry and a book is never far from my hands. Keep an eye out for new content. I try to post regularly. Thank you, Rowan Ellett.

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